Friday 5 January 2018

My 5 Goals For 2018

Now that the new year is upon us, we all set ourselves goals that we would like to achieve. I have never been that kind of person as I usually never seem to know what I want or need. This coming year however, I thought I would try and set myself some goals for the year as its good to have things to work towards, to know you're moving onward and upwards.

Goal Number 1 - Fitness
I have been going to the gym now for nearly 2 years and I must say it has changed a lot about my body. Its not all about weight loss and toning, it makes me feel better inside and can really help with stress and tiredness. There is still a long way to go as I am by no means a fitness guru of any kind. I want to push myself and make sure that I am making an effort to take up challenges involving fitness and to just make sure I am healthy and happy while doing so.

Goal Number 2 - Eating and Drinking
Adding onto the fitness goals, I would like to start thinking more about what I eat and drink. I would say that I am a normal person who obviously has treats etc on the occasion as it is good to indulge sometimes. I will still continue to do this as everyone needs a little sweetness in their life but I do want to try and cut it down a little more for example using sweetener in my tea instead of sugar. Water is also very important and I do not drink enough of it.

Goal Number 3 - Skin/Body care
This is another thing that I really struggle getting into as I never know where to start. There are so many different types of skincare available and it can be a bit overwhelming. I'm going to try my best to find a good regime so that my skin will feel its best at all times. This is going to be a task but I am going to give it my best shot.

Goal Number 4 - Blogging
Of course I had to mention this! As I have started this up again, I am determined to stay on track. I even bought a 'Bloggers Journal' which is from Paperchase. I think this was my first step in organising myself for getting back into blogging.

Goal Number 5 - Saving Money
This is something I do struggle with slightly but I am determined to try and do this as I do think it is so important to put money aside. Whether its for a car, laptop or even a bag its still so essential and could be considered an achievement.


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