Saturday 3 March 2018

My Current Workout Routine

Keeping up with the fitness posts (I'll try not to spam, I just have such a fitness brain on at the moment) I wanted to share with you my current workout routine. Usually, I tend to stick with classes that are offered at the gym because I feel that I need guidance when doing a workout and I feel like it actually makes more of an impact. Recently however I have been taking inspiration from YouTube and Instagram videos and have made a exercise routine for when I just fancy doing my own thing. I am by no means a fitness guru of any kind and I'm totally ok with that. I'm just your regular gal who goes to the gym just to de-stress and keep myself in shape.

Warm Up:

As I have been told, it is so important to warm up before exercise. My warm up is usually a 10 minute power walk on the treadmill. I am yet to do a run on the treadmill but I get too scared... am I the only one? No one wants to face plant in the gym do they. I then do a few little stretches just to make sure I'm all ready to exercise.

Work Out:

This particular work out mainly focuses on the ab area mainly but I'm sure it works other parts of the body too.

3 Rounds - 10 Reps of Each Exercise

1. Bicycle Crunches 
2. Ab Reaches 
3. Sit Ups (I use a weight with this but it can be done without)
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Leg Raises (I use a weight but can be done without)
6. Weighted Hip Dips
7. Weighted Squats

This can be altered to anyone's preference. I really find that my 'abs' ache the day after and I feel a little proud of myself for doing it. The gym can be so daunting especially if you go by yourself but if you stick your headphones in and concentrate on the workout, you're well away. I was thinking of doing a little Instagram video showing this workout just to have a clearer idea of what they look like and how they merge together. 

What is your favourite workout routine?


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