Monday 29 January 2018

My Favourite Television Show Of The Month - January 2018

Usually at the end of a month, the blogging/youtubing community round up there favourites but I have to admit my mind has gone a bit blank. So I decided to just keep it to one category .. my favourite television programme of the month.

How To Get Away With Murder - Television Series - Netflix

(Picture from Google)

I had seen this programme advertised and it was something I thought I would enjoy but never got round to actually watching it. I finally took the chance to watch it a few weeks ago and I do not regret it. It keeps you guessing all the time and it can be really hard hitting. Viola Davis is an excellent lead and portrays Annalise Keating perfectly. It even features a bit of eye candy.. not naming names .. (FRANK). I won't spoil the story but it centres around a lawyer teaching at a University in Philadelphia. Murders happen (shocker) and each season throws in twists and turns until you find out what truly happened. Warning ...It is an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes you will feel angry, sad and even shocked to the core.

I am finished watching what is on Netflix and I must say I am pretty sad about it. I guess that is what I deserve for binge watching it all weekend. It is on Netflix and has 3 Seasons so far, with around 22 episodes each but Season 3 only has 15. I hope and pray that Season 4 is uploaded on there soon otherwise I think I might go slightly mad.

What are your fave things to watch on Netflix/TV?


Saturday 27 January 2018

My Outfit For A Saturday Night

Who doesn't love a Saturday night out? I wanted to share with you what I wore and it might give some inspiration in to how to style certain pieces together.

Blouse: Boohoo
Skirt: Pretty Little Thing
Body: Primark

I really think the combination of all 3 pieces make for a sexy yet classy look and all the clothes featured are affordable so you won't break the bank.

Saturday 20 January 2018

My Fitness Journey

As I mentioned in my '5 Goals For 2018' post, I wanted to continue my fitness journey and strive to make progress. I will be writing updates ever so often so I myself can re-cap and see what I will achieve throughout the year. Never being someone who was good at sports etc, I have struggled at times to adjust to the gym lifestyle and the whole idea of exercise. Let me tell you though, it is NOT all about losing weight. It is really good at de-stressing,can give you more energy and just in general makes you feel really good.

It is very daunting going to a gym and even now after going to the gym all together for nearly 2 years, I still struggle to adjust. This is partly what motivates me to go as it challenges me to put my doubts aside and do what I enjoy (although I moan I'm tired and ache). If the gym is too much for you, it is so easy to do exercise at home too. I have found so much inspiration from people such as Danielle Peazer and Kayla Itsines. They do great workout videos that cater for home workouts or in the gym.

I mainly like to work my ab area and of course the booty. I should really do more arm work as they are pretty weak so I can add that onto my list of fitness goals. There is always room for improvement and I want to make sure that I am pushing myself at all times.

I will give an update in a few weeks/months time to show my progress.


Thursday 11 January 2018

3 Easy Steps to Pretty Pink Nails

We all like to have great nails and I feel it is important that if I find something and its easy, to tell the world to help others too. Here are 3 Steps to lovely, girly pink nails for any occasion or even just to have on for work.

First Step - Base Coat
Barry M Peel It! Peel Off Base Coat

I really like this base coat for the fact of that it does actual make it so easy to just peel off the nail varnish. I have struggled to get most nail varnishes off and it can be an effort with nail polish remover but with this base, there is no effort needed.

Second Step - Nail Polish
Barry M Speedy Quick Dry 'Freestyle'

I do prefer to use a quick drying nail polish as it is very handy when you're short of time and it is also less likely to smudge too quickly. This shade is a lovely shade of pink and looks really lovely and pretty. I usually apply 2-3 coats just so I have an opaque colour but I'm sure you could get away with just 2. It is also really affordable and they have all different colours too.

Third Step - Top Coat
Primark P.S Top and Base Coat

This is also really affordable and can be used as a base or top coat. I wait for my nails to dry a bit first and then I pack this over the top to seal it in place. I do think it is important to place a top coat over the polish as that's what helps with keeping it in place.

What's your favourite nail colour?


Friday 5 January 2018

My 5 Goals For 2018

Now that the new year is upon us, we all set ourselves goals that we would like to achieve. I have never been that kind of person as I usually never seem to know what I want or need. This coming year however, I thought I would try and set myself some goals for the year as its good to have things to work towards, to know you're moving onward and upwards.

Goal Number 1 - Fitness
I have been going to the gym now for nearly 2 years and I must say it has changed a lot about my body. Its not all about weight loss and toning, it makes me feel better inside and can really help with stress and tiredness. There is still a long way to go as I am by no means a fitness guru of any kind. I want to push myself and make sure that I am making an effort to take up challenges involving fitness and to just make sure I am healthy and happy while doing so.

Goal Number 2 - Eating and Drinking
Adding onto the fitness goals, I would like to start thinking more about what I eat and drink. I would say that I am a normal person who obviously has treats etc on the occasion as it is good to indulge sometimes. I will still continue to do this as everyone needs a little sweetness in their life but I do want to try and cut it down a little more for example using sweetener in my tea instead of sugar. Water is also very important and I do not drink enough of it.

Goal Number 3 - Skin/Body care
This is another thing that I really struggle getting into as I never know where to start. There are so many different types of skincare available and it can be a bit overwhelming. I'm going to try my best to find a good regime so that my skin will feel its best at all times. This is going to be a task but I am going to give it my best shot.

Goal Number 4 - Blogging
Of course I had to mention this! As I have started this up again, I am determined to stay on track. I even bought a 'Bloggers Journal' which is from Paperchase. I think this was my first step in organising myself for getting back into blogging.

Goal Number 5 - Saving Money
This is something I do struggle with slightly but I am determined to try and do this as I do think it is so important to put money aside. Whether its for a car, laptop or even a bag its still so essential and could be considered an achievement.


Wednesday 3 January 2018

What I Got For Christmas 2017

A lot of bloggers and youtubers show us what they got for Christmas and I thought I would do exactly that. Christmas is a time for spending time with family/loved ones and lets face it.. eating lots of pigs in blankets. So here is some of the bits I got for Christmas.

This Sleek set is one of my favourite presents. It has all you need for a make up look including glitter liner and highlighters. I just even like to look at it as the packaging and the layout just looks so chic.

A girl can never have too much perfume. These two are beautifully packaging and have lovely fresh scents for everyday wear.

 I love a bit of make up, jewellery and body sets so I was happy when I received these goodies.

What a beauty! This bag is from River Island and they always do amazing bags and purses. This is me as a bag for sure.

Another perfume and I enjoy this one just as much as the others. I have been wearing the daily and its really easy to throw in my bag.

These eyelashes look really natural and I can't wait to try them. I have used Eylure a lot in the past and have not been disappointed.

One of my goals for 2018 is to continue my fitness journey and push myself. These are just what I needed and also I'm sure the tunes on the CD will help me get through a hard workout.


Monday 1 January 2018

I'm Back

I previously started blogging and kept this up for quite some time. Due to other commitments and just everyday working life I found that I just could not dedicate enough time to the blog and I felt the posts were half-hearted and dull. I took a long time out and I have really missed it so I decided now we are in a new year, it was time to bring it back.
I'm going to try my best to keep it as up to date as possible and put lots of effort and love into everything I do.
        Here is to 2018 

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